Product Name
HotStar HiFidelity Polymerase KitPrint (1000 units)
Product Description
This ready-to-use, optimized kit includes everything required for high-fidelity PCR — enzyme, buffers, and dNTPs. HotStar HiFidelity DNA Polymerase is a hot-start proofreading enzyme uniquely modified to produce A overhangs, enabling direct and streamLined UA / TA cloning. The buffer contains Factor SB to prevent degradation of primers and template during PCR setup, providing highly sensitive and reliable high-fidelity PCR. In addition, Q-Solution enables efficient amplification of "difficult" (e.g., GC rich) templates.
1000 units HotStar HiFidelity DNA Polymerase, 5 × HotStar HiFidelity PCR Buffer (incl. dNTPs), 5 × Q-Solution, 25 mM MgSO4, RNase-Free Water
Advantage / Highlights
•For highly sensitive and reliable high-fidelity hot-start PCR
•High sensitivity and specificity
•Unique UA / TA cloning feature
•Fidelity 10-fold higher than Taq DNA Polymerase
•Room-temperature setup and fast enzyme activation
HotStar HiFidelity Polymerase Kit is highly suitable for all hot-start PCR applications that require high sensitivity combined with a low error rate, such as cloning and site-directed mutagenesis.